Most self-help and coaching support is like a can of Red Bull: a quick jolt of energy and “you’ve got this.” But just as fast, you’re back to baseline—repeating old patterns.

That’s because most of what passes as self “help” doesn’t generate permanent changes to our brains. It doesn’t reprogram our unconscious.

No wonder we fall back to old thoughts and behaviors…and nothing really changes.

I’m Dr. Jane Tornatore.

I know how to help bust through the deep, unconscious blocks that keep people stuck—as a coach, therapist, researcher, brain geek 3 —and student. Yes, I’ve been exactly where you are.

For nearly two decades, I’ve helped stressed, people-pleasers over 40 who feel like they’re fading and irrelevant.

And show them how to

GROW BOLDER unearth new levels of vitality, a new self, a new way of being in the world.
Free of limits, free of “shoulds,” free of burnout. 

Like Erika, who as a result of our sessions, said:

“I feel alive. I feel physically connected to myself…present, aware, and curious…I’m in my body more than I ever have been, I’m listening to my feelings, I have more compassion … Before, I didn’t know safeness in my body. Now I know it in my body…[Our sessions are] blowing my mind/body right open. It’s so amazing what is inside of me when I get out of my head. It is a different level of knowing and experiencing. You can’t make this shit up!”

It's time to say ENOUGH to not feeling as if you’re enough. So you…

Bullet Experience less anxiety, burnout, and perfectionism
Bullet Live more sensually in your body—free of embarrassment and shame
Bullet Stop feeling guilty when you take time for yourself
Bullet Have the energy, expansiveness, and awareness to contribute more meaningfully

As did Meghan:

“Trying to be perfect all the time is exhausting. ‘I’m not perfect and that’s OK’ has been a big learning in this journey…I now give myself permission to want what I want…It feels like a reinvention of the world because I’ve previously seen it as unsafe. This is momentous!”

And Faith, who wrote:

“Your insights, tips, and tools have been life changing, and I want you to know how much I truly value that gift.”

Together, we’ll re-program unhelpful patterns, so you can:

3 Live with more self-kindness, self-care, and self-compassion
3 Listen more to your heart
3 Become comfortable with putting yourself first more often
3 Replace the false belief that continual improvement is always the answer
3 Become confidently ready for what’s next
3 Learn tools and practices that move you beyond your pain—to a place of greater aliveness
3 Experience hard emotions with more ease. 

Like Allison, who told me:

“I’m becoming more whole. It’s exciting!”

Along with Colleen, who shared,

“I’m blown away! This is the first time I genuinely have some love, empathy, and gratitude for my sticky parts. It feels good. I want more of me!”

And P.B., whose feedback included:

“I’m able to enjoy life and see things I haven’t been able to see before. I can enjoy life and not worry so much. This is what feeling alive feels like!”

You can play a bigger game through stronger boundaries and consistent habits.

You can stop taking so much sooooo personally. And know—really KNOW—that others don’t need to
change for you to feel safe and vibrant.

You can trust and love your truest self. You can feel unburdened, joyful…juicy, even.

After all….

What’s the cost of not fully living?

How much time do you waste repeating old patterns—only to end up back where
you started?

Why does everyone—but you—deserve the best life??

Isn’t it your turn You can learn to love yourself—and transform outdated patternsto live with into more
joy, sensuality, and self-compassion?

Just like Alan did:

“I’m not agitated by my thoughts now. The more I know myself, the more comfortable I am with myself. I’m more at peace with myself.”

Along with Ashley:

“I feel like I got an update…My life is expanding. I actually f*cking like myself!...I have a lot more room to play…I’m taking care of myself in a different way. I’m giving myself worthiness vs. getting it from other people. It feels so good to take care of myself.”

And Colleen :

“What I like about what I’m learning with you is—before, I looked outside myself all the time. Now I can look inside and see I have a choice.”

How we’ll work together:

1. Discovery call. Choose your best path forward in a free 20-minute call (email me to schedule)
2. First session (all sessions are virtual)
3. Step by step, we’ll remove blocks and build on shifts that generate positive changes—and
transform self-compassion into your superpower.

Explore My Free Courses

Ready to dive deeper into your journey of self-discovery and empowerment? We offer a variety of free courses designed to help you reconnect with your body, embrace your sensuality, and unlock your inner power.

The Sensual Breath

A mini-course focusing on powerful breathwork techniques to help you ground yourself and enhance your sensual energy.

Intuitive Decision Making Course

This 3-lesson course is designed to help you tap into your body’s natural intuition, so you can make decisions that align with your highest good. 
