Just RELAX!  

Go from tense to relaxed in 7 Minutes!

Take just 7 minutes to experience deep relaxation with this simple practice.

This exercise gently guides your body and brain to release muscle tension and stress, helping you feel more at ease.

Bullet Fall asleep faster and more easily

Bullet Quiet your racing thoughts

Bullet Release stored stress from your body

Bullet Simple enough to practice throughout your day

Ready to feel more relaxed? Sign up now and start letting go of tension today.

Every Day Love

“It's amazing what 7 minutes can do! As someone who battles anxiety, this tool has been life-changing!”

Every Day Love

“I feel more at ease. It's really wonderful I don't have to be perfect. I'm not as brittle and irritable. I'm softer. It's great!”

Every Day Love

“It’s such basic stuff, but it’s mind bending…very empowering.”